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Posted: Post subject: Representative Images? |
In a recent email to PN I wrote the following ... Quote: On the TrP ... page, PN shows images for online-now members
and some apparently PN chosen TrP specific images -
The PN reply was» Quote: We do not have any type of system in place to impose our judgment on which
members to show, or which of their photos should be used to represent them. ...which pretends that PN does not display any images (like those) that PN chooses...
If anyone (else) thinks PN could/should choose images that are more representative
of actual PN TrP members, then maybe send PN an email about that?
I have not seen any pics of PN TrP members that look like those pics ...
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Joined: January 5, 2005
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Posted: Post subject: |
There appears to have been a misunderstanding.
In your message to us, as you stated:
"On the TrP login page, PN shows images for online-now members
and some apparently PN chosen TrP specific images -
which it seems (to me) are always "circus-freak"
(shall we say) type of pics/images ...
in any case ... I never "like" any of those images ...
It seems (to me) PN could (should?) choose much better "images" ..."
We thought that you were making a comment about the 'online-now' member images, and that you were calling members 'circus freaks'...which is why we replied by saying:
"We do not have any type of system in place to impose our judgment on which members to show, or which of their photos should be used to represent them."
We did not realize that you were not casting judgement on the member images, but that you were only casting judgement on the choice of general homepage images that appear next to the description of the site.
So, now that we know what your issue is, we can answer it directly.
The 'Trans' community is comprised of a WIDE variety of individuals, and we have tried to make Trans Passions welcoming to them all.
Prior to Trans Passions, there were VERY few sites that provided a single location for all the variations represented within the Trans community, from FTM to MTF to 'Admirers' to Crossdressers to Drag Queens to Drag Kings.
We are open to adding additional images to the homepage to expand the look and feel of the site, but we in NO WAY agree with the use of the term 'circus freak' to describe anyone who is participating in non-gender-conforming dress and/or makeup. Whether or not someone is 'passable' is completely irrelevant to us, because it is about how someone feels inside and not how they look on the outside.
We will look for additional images to add to those used on our homepage, to better represent the Trans Passions site, and the diversity of the members within it...because we do not want to give anyone the impression you described (because we found it to be offensive).
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Posted: Post subject: |
I would just like to say/add (at the moment) that - like I "said" -
I have not seen ANY pics of PN TrP members that look like those pics ...
so I find those pics misrepresentative & (highly) offensive ...
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Posted: Post subject: for the "fun" of it ... |
just for the "fun" of it ...
... neither in response to nor directed at anyone ...
... regardless of any "ballistic", vulgar diatribe response(s) ...
... just because I didn't join WritersPassions for no reason ...
feedback wrote: There appears to have been a misunderstanding ... We thought ..." I find this hard to believe ... (makes me wonder if PN has ever
scrolled through all 300 of the PN TrP RecentLogins ...)
I find this hard to believe ... Maybe that "comes with the territory"
after living through declarations/assertions/sworn-testimony
like "I am not a crook" & "I don't remember" from "our" presidents ...
as long as one doesn't like to "get high" & have a good time,
one can do no wrong in Amerika ...
(Oh no! now the DEA is going to (again) "try and get me" ...)
I am (or .. to be more correct / less illiterate) my "race" is caucasian
I am (or .. to be more correct / less illiterate) my s----l orientation is ...
well ... this is more complicated ...
Shall we say ... I have never (& still do not) consider myself "a fag¤got" ...
Can I say "that word"? Or is this another one of "those words"¿
I am not calling anyone a "------" ...
Can I not call myself a "------" ...?¿?
(Anyway, s----l orientation should be based/contextualized
not on people's "gene-sex" but on "gender-identities" ...
however, the "real/straight-world" (including PN) illiterately
(or knowingly) use "gender" when "gene-sex" should be used
and so "gender-identity" is deemed to not exist ...)
Anyway ... if someone called me a "FitB"------- that would not bother/offend me ...
It is baseless rubbish ...
If someone called me a "transgendered-freak" that would not bother/offend me ...
It is (or I find it) baseless rubbish ...
If someone said/propogated "TGs are freaks / Come visit the 'Freak Show'"
that would/(does) bother/offend me.
That's what those PN TrP photos say ... (afaic ... and I won't apologize ...)
johnnykash wrote: `I wish I could find the people whose pictures these were and let them know I wonder what the result/reaction(s) would be ...
a ballistic, vulgar diatribe? not necessarily ...
maybe it would be "So ... that's what some people say"
maybe it would be "So ... who cares what an/y anonymous internet nobody says ..."
Anyway, if someone doesn't consider themself a circus-freak,
then calling them one wouldn't bother/offend them ...
johnnykash wrote: Your pictures are highly offensive to me This (for any one of a number of reasons) doesn't bother/offend me ...
... I consider it ballistic, baseless rubbish ...
... I have plenty of emails like the following»
DoesntMatterWho wrote: Hello there how`s it going? Hope you don`t mind me messaging,
are you into guys at all? Your really beautiful!! X
... whatever ...
I (more or less) love PN ... ;)
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Joined: January 5, 2005
Posts: 970
Posted: Post subject: |
Once again, we find your decision to use overtly offensive terms to be disturbing.
So far, you have attempted to use the word 'n i g g e r' in the forum area.
You have also used the term 'circus freak' to describe the images of men in drag used on our homepage.
Now you have attempted to use the term 'f a g g o t' multiple times in your last post.
We find your comments to be confusing and offensive.
We rarely find ourselves repeatedly dragged into the forum area to have to address forum posts.
Please discontinue using (obviously) offensive terms within our site! :roll:
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Joined: January 5, 2005
Posts: 970
Posted: Post subject: |
FYI...despite the way this issue was raised, we have made some changes to the images used on the Trans Passions homepage.
We have removed 3 images that have been in place for about 8 years, and replaced them with 3 brand new images.
The new images are more reflective of the MTF Trans community, as opposed to the previous images...which were more reflective of the Drag / Crossdressing community.
We still have some images in place on our homepage representing the Drag / Crossdressing community.
Our goal is to find a few good images (that we have the rights to use) to represent the FTM Trans community, but that is taking us a bit longer to do.
We hope to find and add FTM images in the not-to-distant future.
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Posted: Post subject: for whatever it is worth ... |
... for whatever it is worth ...
Not every site has/takes the PN approach to language ...
in fact PN is the first site I've encountered with such an approach.
When I made my very first posts I had no idea that PN's approach is what it is ...
It is impossible for one to guess what PN considers "obviously offensive" language ...
"We" already exchanged emails on the topic ...
I stated that I find Quentin Tarantino's approach
to ("offensive") language appropriate/best ...
... not PN's (what I find to be "head in the sand") approach ...
I don't/won't (even) post the/a link to QT's approach
because I guess that would displease PN ...
p.s. regarding "You have also used the term 'circus freak' ..."
I used that term in a private email to PN -
which PN chose to introduce into the public domain via PN's forum reply/post ...
so I find "throwing that in my face" a "bit" inappropriate/OFFENSIVE ...
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